Publication de Nature en 1988
Trente années après les premiers travaux de Jacques Benveniste (1935-2004) pour démontrer un phénomène électromagnétique avec l’eau pour vecteur dans des solutions diluées au-delà du nombre d’Avogadro, un symposium scientifique aura lieu pour la première fois en France le 8 octobre 2014 au siège de l’UNESCO à Paris avec pour thème:
« La Biologie à la lumière de la physique théorique: nouvelles frontières en Médecine »
ci-joint le programme du symposium:
Biology in the Light of Theoretical Physics: New Frontiers in Medicine
For the first time, a scientific symposium will discuss the emergence and possible societal and medical implications of a new paradigm in biology: electromagnetic waves and their relationship to the properties of water.
This symposium will provide a synthesis of the research conducted over many years by Professor Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize in Medicine. Professor Montagnier has worked with multidisciplinary teams of French and Italian researchers.
Le mathématicien Cédric Villani
The mathematician Cédric Villani, who received the Fields Medal in 2010, will propose a synthesis of the various presentations. He will include them in the broader context of Professor Jacques Benveniste’s work (1935-2004) on the « memory of water », which was initiated thirty years ago.
Luc Montagnier
Professor Montagnier’s team is working on electromagnetic waves issued in the area of very low frequencies and low energy. Different reproducible experiments will be presented at the conference. These experiments show that these waves may play an important role in the pathogenicity of micro-organisms – bacteria and viruses – as well as in physiological processes such as cell differentiation.
Marc Henry
The experimental facts will be presented by two biologists. It appears that water is an important mediator in the transmission of molecular information, such as that carried by the DNA. To achieve such transmission, water generates organized structures, which also emit electromagnetic signals. Mark Henry and Vitiello, relying on concepts developed by Italian physicists Giuliano Preparata and Emilio Del Giudice, will explain how quantum physics can elucidate these mysterious phenomena. They will reveal new fields of research that are areas of consistency activating water molecules. Interdisciplinarity (physics/biology) is the conference’s major message.
Les chercheurs italiens Vitiello et Del Giudice
The promoters of this conference are aware of the critical reactions aroused by this work in parts of the scientific community, so they wish to communicate their results with the utmost rigor. The aim is to foster a broad and multidisciplinary discussion. These data seem particularly important because they further enrich the immense achievements of molecular biology. They also suggest the development of new modes of transmission of genetic messages (transmission, transduction, teleportation, etc.).
A debate moderated by Franck Nouchi, a journalist at Le Monde, and involving participants including professors Montagnier and Villani, will close the conference.
Giuseppe Vitiello, Professor of Theoretical Physics, University of Salerno: « A quantum field approach to living matter: why Fields? Why Quantum? »
Mark Henry, Professor of molecular chemistry at the University of Strasbourg: « Water, electromagnetism and quantum coherence »
Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize winner in Physiology or Medicine 2008: « Digital transmission of bacterial DNA in living cells »
Carlo Ventura, Professor of molecular biology at the University of Bologna: « The Voice of the Stem Cells : mutant vibrations and regenerative medicine »
Cédric Villani, Professor at the University of Lyon, Director of the Institut Henri Poincaré (CNRS/UPMC): “Memory, oblivion and reproducibility: an outside view on a never solved controversy”
Moderator :
Frank Nouchi, Journalist at ‘Le Monde’
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